Welcome to Cool Dads™, a series in which our resident cool dad, Nick Grant, helps us all get dressed.
No jokes. No witty post. All love. I’m grateful for each and every one of you who put up with my shit and read my cockamamie stuff every week. Me, my wife, my son, and my jawnz addiction thank you.
All jokes aside, this is definitely the time for all of us to take a second and think about how lucky we are to have the love of friends, significant others, children and the internet. Without any of these things, we would be nothing.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to y’all. Stay warm.
My Baby, It’s Cold Outside picks:
Nonnative Dweller Mock Neck Sweat
Yuketen Cricket Boots
Sandy Liang Hugs Fleece
Filson Watch Cap Beanie
Our Legacy Borrowed Chinos