Diniz and Cruz Herringbone Tweed Suit Separates

I’m not even going to pretend like I can come up with a better description for these Diniz and Cruz Herringbone Tweed Suit Separates than Oi Polloi did, so instead, I’m just gonna lift theirs, word-for-word: Diniz and Cruz may sound like a slapstick double act popular on prime-time Spanish television, but they are in fact a company who make what might just be the ultimate suit. Made in Portugal, these have a real laid back, casual feel to them missing from most suits. You can wear ‘em with a shirt and tie like Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider, or you can wear ‘em with a t-shirt and a pair of tennis shoes like some downtown New York gallery owner circa ‘86 — with Diniz and Cruz, the world truly is your oyster. *Nick again taking it home* So, like, um, buy them. Brad please don’t replace me with Oi Polloi’s copywriter.

For price and purchase info, visit Oi Polloi.